Working hours per month


Working days per year 2023

In general, when you talk about the number of working hours per month, you usually say 160, or if you talk about the number of working days per year in 2023, you usually say 250, which is often not quite right. This year (2023), for example, there are between 152 and 184 working hours with an average of 169 hours per month or 253 working days (112 days off!). Here in the table below, you can see exactly how many working days, working hours, number of Saturdays and Sundays and other days off, for example red days, Midsummer's Eve, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. On the occasions that a red day coincides with a Saturday or Sunday, it is counted in the Sat & Sun column. We also expect an eight-hour working day. Which days in Sweden count as holidays are regulated in the following Lag (1989: 253) "The Public Holidays Act". The majority are free on the following holidays, even if they happen to coincide with a normal weekday:

Feel free to check out our calendar here on the right, which contains information such as e.g. name days and a little history about what happened on that particular day.

MonthWorking daysWorking hoursSat & Sun.Others
Total annual working hours252201610510
Average / Month211688.750.83

New Year's Day and Thirteenth Day of Christmas

New Year's Day

New Year's Day is the first day of the calendar year. New Year's is celebrated on the night between December 31, i.e. New Year's Eve and January 1 according to the Gregorian calendar. New Year's Day is a very popular holiday. It is celebrated with fireworks, New Year's food and New Year's parties. We have made New Year's resolutions ever since the Viking Age. At this time the vow was made by either emptying a brage cup or swearing by a boar's horn. These days it's a bit more mundane, but many see New Year's Day and the associated New Year's resolutions as a chance to start anew. New Year's food is not quite as elaborate as other festive food, but is more generally associated with luxury. For example, we can see artichoke soup, Skagen toast, chocolate mousse and lobster on the New Year's table that we eat on New Year's Eve. The fireworks that are set off at 12 o'clock and beyond are traditionally to scare away evil spirits. Many traditions are very strongly linked to family or religion. However, New Year's Day and the entire New Year's celebration are more public. You usually share New Year's Day and its celebration with your friends. It is also an old tradition to ring in the new year, usually through some kind of joint public event where you count down to New Year's Day.   


This day falls on January 6th. Thirteenth day of Christmas is a holiday in Sweden. This day is important for Christians in Sweden and is celebrated to commemorate the revelation of Jesus, when the three wise men visited him in Bethlehem after his birth. The star boys traditionally associated with Lucia appeared from the beginning at the celebration of the thirteenth day of Christmas. In Sweden, these star boys wandered in the villages and actors around biblical stories about the three wise men and their journey to Bethlehem. This train could consist of three star boys, a Herod and a Christmas goat who made aggressive outbursts if he was not happy with the reward / offerings. This was seen as a playful and accepted form of begging. It was common for students in Latin schools to participate in the theater and use the income to pay for their living expenses during the Christmas holidays.

Midsummer Eve

Midsummer Eve

Midsummer Eve: An important tradition in Swedish culture

Midsummer Eve is an important weekend in Sweden and other Nordic countries, which is celebrated on the longest day of the year. It is a time of joy, celebration and the arrival of summer. The weekend has its roots in paganism, when it was celebrated as a holiday in honor of the sun. Today Midsommarafton is one of the most loved weekends in Sweden, and the celebration differs between different parts of the country.

The celebration of Midsummer Eve through the ages: From paganism to modern festivity

Midsummer Eve has its origins in paganism, when it was celebrated as a holiday in honor of the sun. The weekend was a symbol that summer had arrived and that the warmth and light would return. Over time, the celebration of Midsummer Eve has evolved and adapted to the Christian faith, but many of the traditional activities have been preserved.

In modern Sweden, Midsummer Eve is celebrated on June 20-22 every year, and the weekend is one of the most popular weekends in the country. Many people take time off from work and go home to their families to celebrate together. There are also many public celebrations and events that are arranged, such as dancing around the maypole and picnics in nature.

Midsummer Eve has also become an important tourist attraction, with many visitors traveling to Sweden to participate in the celebrations. The weekend has also become a symbol of Swedish culture and tradition worldwide.

How Midsummer's Eve is celebrated in Sweden: A guide to the traditional activities

Midsummer Eve is known for its traditional celebrations, which have been preserved through generations. One of the most iconic activities is the Maypole Dance, where people sing and dance around a pole decorated with flowers and ribbons. The dance symbolizes the sun's path through the sky and is an important part of the celebration.

Another tradition is to pick flowers and make wreaths to wear on the head. Many people choose to go out into nature and pick their own flowers, while others buy ready-made wreaths.

There are also a variety of traditional dishes eaten during Midsummer Eve, such as herring and smorgasbord. Herring is a type of pickled fish that is very popular in Sweden, while smörgåsbord is a meal consisting of a variety of starters, main courses and desserts.

Memories from Midsummer Eve: A personal story about the celebration of the summer holiday

Midsummer Eve is a weekend that has always been special to me. I remember how as a child I always woke up early in the morning to go out and pick flowers with my family. Then we went home and cooked a big dinner together, with all the different kinds of herring and smorgasbords that we loved. After dinner it was time to dance around the Maypole, and I remember how happily I laughed as I twirled around with my friends.

Even though I am no longer a child, Midsummer Eve is still one of my favorite holidays of the year. I always look forward to seeing my family and friends and celebrating together, and enjoying all the wonderful traditions that come with the weekend.
