
Midsummer Day

Midsummer Day and Midsummer Eve fall between June 20-26. It can be argued that this holiday today is one of the most important in Sweden, next to Christmas. Unlike Christmas, Midsummer is usually celebrated with acquaintances rather than just the family. Friends and friends of friends. The celebration originates from John the Baptist's birthday, June 24. The midsummer pole, or maypole, is one of the most important symbols of the holiday. It was used by deacons (students) during the 1600-1700s who moved around in cities, villages and sang / begged. It is believed that the midsummer pole comes from Germany. The word "maypole" does not originate from the month of May, but from the fact that the "maypole" was cut; thus it was covered with leaves. The symbolism of the Midsummer pole is not really definite. Some believe it is a phallus symbol, while some believe it is a depiction of the Christian cross. Around the bar, people dance and sing classic midsummer songs such as "The Little Frogs". Historically, midsummer night is associated with magic. Plants are said to have a certain magical attribute during this evening, after which it is extra good to collect medicinal plants this evening. Rituals associated with midsummer include putting seven kinds of flowers under the pillow, after which you should dream about the one you are going to marry, or that the magic of the flowers is saved after you make a wreath. The magical mystique surrounding midsummer is believed to have something to do with the fact that midsummer night is usually especially bright and symbolizes the beginning of summer. 

Much of the food eaten at other holidays is also consumed during midsummer. However, there is much more fresh food available. Fresh potatoes, strawberries, herbs and fish and more. Something that also belongs is stored cheese, butter, crispbread and at the right time nubbe. A classic dish eaten at the midsummer celebration is herring, new potatoes and sour cream. Midsummer is the holiday when most people gather in the same place from different circles of friends, who are all there to participate in a big party. Midsummer celebrations in Sweden have also become an internationally known phenomenon and are something that many outsiders in the country not least associate with Sweden but also travel to Sweden to experience.
