Working hours per month


Working days per year 2023

In general, when you talk about the number of working hours per month, you usually say 160, or if you talk about the number of working days per year in 2023, you usually say 250, which is often not quite right. This year (2023), for example, there are between 152 and 184 working hours with an average of 169 hours per month or 253 working days (112 days off!). Here in the table below, you can see exactly how many working days, working hours, number of Saturdays and Sundays and other days off, for example red days, Midsummer's Eve, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. On the occasions that a red day coincides with a Saturday or Sunday, it is counted in the Sat & Sun column. We also expect an eight-hour working day. Which days in Sweden count as holidays are regulated in the following Lag (1989: 253) "The Public Holidays Act". The majority are free on the following holidays, even if they happen to coincide with a normal weekday:

Feel free to check out our calendar here on the right, which contains information such as e.g. name days and a little history about what happened on that particular day.

MonthWorking daysWorking hoursSat & Sun.Others
Total annual working hours252201610510
Average / Month211688.750.83

Easter Day and Pentecost

Easter Day - Pentecost

Easter Day

Easter Sunday, or the Sunday of the resurrection, is celebrated in memory of the resurrection of Jesus. This day falls on the Sunday of the Easter weekend. The Easter weekend has a variable date and takes place at different times each year, between March 22 and April 25. Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox.  This day is of the utmost importance in the Christian church because it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus after being buried on Good Friday. Easter Day is associated with worship services and Easter hymns. The services have many expressions of joy. White textiles, lilies and candles that adorn the altar are all associated with joy.  Easter Day is celebrated in the church and in the Swedish folk home. In the homes, Easter food goes hot all Easter weekend. Eggs, lamb, pickled salmon, Jansson's temptation and many other goodies are eaten. Eggs go hand in hand with Easter and the eggs are a symbol of life, which is connected with the resurrection of Jesus. The egg represents life and from the hard shell, which is a symbol of the tomb, Jesus emerges. Furthermore, the color theme is yellow. Yellow decorations are everywhere throughout the Easter weekend. The yellow color is also associated with the egg, or rather the chicken that comes from the egg.   


Pentecost falls 10 days after Ascension Day and 7 weeks after Easter. The Christian tradition is celebrated in the church. The purpose is to remember that the Holy Spirit appeared to the disciples and thus also formed the first Christian church. Therefore, Pentecost is usually seen as the church's birthday. Pentecost is also called the time of rapture. Historically, Pentecost has been centered on the celebration of the church building. The church has been decorated with, among other things, leaf litter and candles. In an even older tradition, Pentecost has been a day of sacrifice. Here a Pentecostal bride was brought to the church halls and from yard to yard to solicit gifts. She was dressed in wedding clothes, though usually not of as good quality as at a real wedding. The tradition of Pentecostal bride became something controversial which today has a completely different meaning, as it is common to get married on Pentecost.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

In Sweden is Christmas Eve a big deal. It is the day when families gather to celebrate, exchange gifts and eat lots of food. If you're planning to spend Christmas in Sweden this year, here's what you need to know Christmas Eve.

The Christmas holiday is a time of celebration that has its origins in the pagan celebrations of Midwinter. Midwinter was a time when the darkness of winter was at its greatest, and people celebrated with drink and festivities to honor the gods. One such god was Jólnir, who was associated with Christmas.

When Christianity came to the Nordic countries, the Old Norse festivities were "pre-Christianized"; Christian traditions were introduced into the Christmas celebration and the celebration of the holiday itself was moved to December 24-25 (in the ancient Nordics, the Christmas celebration lasted for a longer period than that, since Christmas was both a month and a holiday celebrated during the darkest time of the year). However, the name "jul" was retained in Swedish and elsewhere. In other languages, the word took on a Christian meaning, for example in the English "Christmas" (Christ's mass) and the German "Weihnacht" (holy night).

24 is celebrated the day before Christmas day, when Christians traditionally celebrate the birth of Jesus. In many countries, e.g. in the USA, Italy and Ireland, however, Christmas is not celebrated with all the Christmas food and all the Christmas presents except by themselves Christmas day. Christmas has become less and less religious in modern times, and many people around the world celebrate Christmas without being either believers or Christians for that matter.

A Christmas present is a gift that is given Christmas Eve or Christmas day. Many believe that Christmas gifts have their origins in the Roman Empire, where during the Saturnalia celebration people gave each other gifts such as baked goods, jewelry and candles (to celebrate the return of light and the sun). The children received small dolls made of clay.

Christianity incorporated these Roman traditions into its own celebration of Midwinter, focusing instead on gift-giving to commemorate the gifts the three wise men gave to the baby Jesus. Why do you get Christmas presents? Christmas Eve? One theory is that in the past it was common for someone to knock on a window or door of a house, throw in a package and then run away. The clapping may be the reason for the name Julklapp.

In modern times, people exchange gifts in many different ways. Giving gifts is seen as a way to connect with family and friends and show them love and appreciation. Christmas presents can come in all shapes and sizes – from small homemade gifts to expensive items bought online or on the high street. No matter what the gift is - it will be sure to put a smile on the recipient's face! Regardless of the gift, Christmas is a time to share love and celebrate. It is a time of joy and goodwill that can be found in every corner of the world.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus

The idea of Santa Claus has been a popular part of the Christmas holiday for many centuries. The story of Santa Claus probably dates back to the fourth century when Saint Nicholas, a bishop in present-day Turkey, became famous for his generous gifts to the poor and needy. Over time, versions of Santa Claus developed in both Christian and secular traditions. In the early 19th century, Clement Moore wrote one of the most famous stories about Santa Claus driving a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer. This version is still widely discussed today and includes both religious and non-religious elements in the story. As our culture continues to evolve, so will our perceptions of Santa Claus, but his place as an icon of Christmastime generosity remains firmly entrenched in our collective history and culture.

Santa Claus is a legendary figure known for bringing joy to children around the world every Christmas. The myth of Santa Claus goes back several centuries to Europe, where it was believed that an old man called Santa Claus would deliver gifts to the good children and coal to the naughty children. Today, Santa lives at the North Pole with his reindeer and an army of elves who tend his workshop. Santa Claus works the same way today as he did hundreds of years ago, but with a few changes: Santa Claus can now use technology such as email and telephones, as well as high-tech sleighs pulled by eight flying reindeer! Santa also has enough help from the elves, who make toys that Santa packs in large sacks and delivers on Christmas Day. Santa is a beloved figure because of his mission to spread joy throughout the year - but no matter how technologically advanced our society becomes, children will always believe in Santa and wait Christmas day with tension.

May your Christmas be merry and bright! Enjoy the spirit of the season and be sure to share it with those around you. We wish you all a merry, safe and memorable Christmas! Merry Christmas!
